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Loan Modification Blog Series

Legal Update, Mortgage & Lending Law, and Real Estate Law

Have you experienced difficulties when applying for a loan modification? Check out our new blog series! The articles written by our knowledgeable and experienced attorneys will guide you through your rights and obligations during the mortgage refinancing process. As always, if you have any questions about a potential real estate legal matter, please contact Brewer Offord & Pedersen LLP at (650) 327-2900 or to learn more about our firm, please visit us on the web at


By: Henry Chuang, Esq. (Click image for bio)

Ninth Circuit Requires Lender to Offer a Permanent Loan Modification to Qualified Borrowers

In a win for borrowers the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently held that Wells Fargo was required to grant a permanent loan modification to qualified borrowers.  In Corvello v. Wells Fargo, the borrower successfully met the requirements of a trial loan modification offered by Wells Fargo.  However…

Court Requires Lender to Offer a Permanent Loan Modification on Completion of Trial Period

Following in the footsteps of several recent cases, the Third Appellate District of California held that JP Morgan Chase was required to grant a permanent loan modification.  In Bushell v. JPMorgan Chase Bank, the Appellate Court found that because the borrower had successfully completed the trial modification and provided all of the required documentation, Chase was required…

Lenders Have a Duty to Not Misstate the Status of a Foreclosure or Loan Modification

There have been a string of recent cases that have been decided in favor of borrowers against their lenders who have failed to offer loan modifications.  The most recent case is Lueras v. BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP.  In Lueras, the Court found that a lender could be held liable for misstating the status of a foreclosure or loan modification.  Further, …

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