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Disclosure Series

Construction & Contractor Disputes, Non-Disclosures Disputes, and Real Estate Law

As real estate attorneys, Brewer Offord & Pedersen LLP cannot stress enough to real estate agents and sellers the importance of properly disclosing information pertaining to property being sold. Here are a few articles that our knowledgeable attorneys have written regarding this topic. If you think you may have a real estate legal matter and are seeking legal representation, don’t hesitate to contact our office at (650) 327- 2900 x 10 or on the web at

Click the image for Julia's Bio

Click the image for Julia’s Bio

Preparing Your Disclosures When you Sell Your House
By: Julia M. Wei, Esq.

Attorney Julia M. Wei’s animated video discusses what to look out for while preparing  your disclosure documents when selling your property.

Real Estate Case Update: Dual Agents – Longer Liability Exposure
By: Julia M. Wei, Esq.

The appellate court decision specifically lays out the statute of limitations for certain claims against brokers, and concludes that Civil Code Section 2079.4’s duty of disclosure only applies to the seller’s broker.

Click the image for Simon's bio

Click the image for Simon’s bio

Do I Have to Tell Them EVERYTHING?
By: Simon Offord, Esq.

You are a homeowner in Palo Alto in the process of selling your home, and the question arises: What do I have to disclose to the seller about the house?  As the seller, you do not want to jeopardize your chances of selling the home by telling the buyer about some of the problems.  However, California does not follow the maxim of “let the buyer beware,” so…

Recent Case Expands Broker’s Duty to Warn

By: Simon Offord, Esq.

Real estate law attorney Simon Offord’s latest blog titled, “Recent Case Expands Broker’s Duty to Warn.” If you are a listing broker you will definitely want to read this blog…

Latest Posts

Real Estate Contracts & Transactions

Out of Contract? Not So Fast…

by Adam Pedersen, Esq. on August 28, 2018

In the highly-competitive real estate market in California, agents are being more aggressive in enforcing contract terms. So before you tell your client that you are “out of contract”, you might want to be sure the contract is actually cancelled! [Read More]

Landlord & Tenant Law

What a Three-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit Really Means

by Brewer Firm Team on September 20, 2018

It is after Labor Day weekend and that means school supplies, summer vacation credit card bills, and preparing for the holidays. With all these added costs, the tenant may not have enough money to pay rent and the landlord serves [Read More]

Real Estate Contracts & Transactions

Can A Buyer Back Out of a Non-Contingent Offer?

by Simon Offord, Esq. on October 2, 2018

In my last article, we discussed liquidated damages in the context of a residential real estate purchase contract.  This article will examine whether a buyer may have a right to back out of a contract and receive their full deposit [Read More]