The attorneys at Brewer Offord & Pedersen LLP have handled many disputes that arose between neighbors with respect to trees. In an effort to educate our network of California property owners, as well as our followers, we hope you will find this series of blogs written by our knowledgeable and seasoned attorneys helpful. If you think you may have a real estate legal matter and are seeking legal representation, don’t hesitate to contact our office at (650) 327- 2900 x 10 or on the web at
By: Simon Offord, Esq. (Click image for bio)
Get Your Tree Out of My Yard! An Overview of Neighbor’s Rights Relating to Roots and Branches
In previous blog posts I have discussed some of the many areas of dispute that may arise between neighbors. This article touches upon another one of those areas of dispute: damage from neighboring trees.
If you share a property line with someone, chances are there are some overhanging branches or tree roots that cross into each others’ properties. In most circumstances, a few roots or branches will not cause a rift between neighbors. However…
Get Consent Before You Cut, or Pay!
In a previous blog, “Get Your Tree out of my Yard” I discussed the potential issues that may arise between adjoining landowners with respect to trees. In that article, I cautioned against resorting to self-help unless…
In an article of just a few months ago I discussed a recent California case, Kallis vs. Sones, that discussed the potential consequences of the wrongful cutting of a neighbor’s tree (SEE “Get Consent Before You Cut, or Pay.”). Since that time, yet another California Court has affirmed a significant damage award for injuring a neighbor’s tree, further emphasizing…